Pyramids of Gizeh

Égypte. Gravure sur acier, gravée par H. Winkles d´après G. Heck. 1849. Très bon état. Sans titre. Aquarellée à la main. 25x20cm. Montée sous passe-partout.
1. Pyramid in Lake Moeris, 2. Pyramids of Gizeh, 3. Section of a Pyramid at Memphis, 4. Pyramid at Assur in Nubia, 5. Colossi at Thebes, 6. The Sphinx of Gizeh, 7. Hall of the Palace at Carnak, 8. Entrance into the Palace at Luxor, 9. Propylaea on the Island of Philae.
Plates, Engraving, Stiche, Gravure, Egypt, Egypte, Aegypten, Pyramid, Pyramide, Carnak, Karnak, Louqsor, Luxor, Louxor, Theben, Thebes, Assur, Assour, Philae, Keops